I introduce you to the Christian New Media Group - Same Message, in a Whole New Way. These are the most exciting, practical, fun and creative shows on the internet today, and yes, they are made by Christians. Now, if you expect sermons, and off-key singing, you'd be disappointed. Do yourself a favor, and check these shows out:
2 Geeks, covering what's cool on the Big screen, the Small screen and the Geek lifestyle.
The Jesus Geeks Website
The Jesus Geeks RSS Feed
A Geek Husband and the Nerd Wife who share Life, a Family, a Mic, and they might find something they agree on - One Day.
Geek Loves Nerd Website
Geek Loves Nerd RSS Feed
Home Schooler, Father of 7, Geek Who Gives Practical Help to the Non-Geeks. Meet the Jesus Geek.
The Original Jesus Geek Website
The Original Jesus Geek RSS Feed
Brad and Faith, married Texans making sense of Life, Family, Marriage, Emus and Bon Jovi.
Two Blind Squirrels Website
Two Blind Squirrels RSS Feed
Scott digs in deep to questions of Faith, Writing and Whatever He Wants to Talk About.
The Spiritual Tramp Website
Spritual Tramp RSS Feed
Lint Hatcher (Yes, that's his name),a deep cat who loves God and Bela Lugosi.
Excuse Me, Ghidorah Website
Excuse Me, Ghidorah RSS Feed
Taylor Kent, the Fandom Snark reviews Sci Fi and Horror movies, TV shows, Conventions and Audio dramas, and more.
The Snarky Avenger Website
The Snarky Avenger RSS Feed
Jen and Dave are, well, Jen and Dave. Their shows aren't just shows, they are events - like Woodstock, without the mud, drugs and weird people. Well, sometimes it does get weird.
The Jen and Dave Show Website
The Jen and Dave Show RSS Feed
If all you watch is Sitcoms and Reality TV, Winston reminds us that there are other questions that need to be discussed.
Critical Mass Website
Critical Mass Podcast RSS Feed
Are you a Christian that loves Movies and TV shows? Daniel and Eve give you thinking skills to help you look into what is being presented, so you can take in the good, and leave the rest.
Are You Just Watching? Website
Are You Just Watching? RSS Feed
This lady reminds us that being a Stay at Home Mom doesn't mean boring. She's a ball of Blogging fire that always makes you chuckle and think. This should be required reading (even if you aren't female).
The Obnoxious SAHM Website
The Obnoxious SAHM Blog RSS Feed