
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Lies Women Tell

Don't get mad, just listen for a second.

Women say, "I just want a nice guy," but that's not really true. If that were true, geeks everywhere would be smiling for reasons beside buying a certain comic book or action figure.

Women don't want 'a nice guy,' even though they say that. They want a bad boy. They want a guy that cannot be caught or tamed. Oh, normally women say, "I just want a nice guy," after getting messed around by a not so nice guy. Just sayin'

Women say, "I just want an honest guy," but that's not really all the way true. True, lying is bad, but not telling the whole story on the first date leaves things to talk about on the second date, and so on, etc. Women want honest guys, but with mystery, too. That's where the perplexing part comes in. If a woman learns everything about a guy, the guy becomes boring, and then she begins to look around at the brooding, mysterious bad boy. Just sayin'

Women answer the question, 'What's wrong?' with "Nothing," and that is the biggest lie of all. There is something wrong, and they want the guy to figure out exactly what it is. Guys begin to play a digital tape of their life backwards to see what they did or said that was wrong. They begin to think about all the dates they have to remember (First date, first kiss, anniversary, etc), but to no avail - the guy is stuck with nothing. SO, now the interrogation begins;

"Honey, what's wrong?"
"I told you, nothing's wrong."
"Something is wrong. What is it?"
"No, nothing's wrong. Can we go to dinner now?"
"Where do you want to go to eat?"
"Aha! There is something wrong, because you NEVER have a place in mind to eat!"


Pat Tillett said...

Sad but true....
Or they say nothing is wrong, but warn you that if you keep asking something will be...

Daisygirl said...

hahaha, this is my favorite post from you because its true...all true! girls want a bad boy!

Yankee Girl said...

I used to want an honest guy and then I married the most honest guy ever. Sometimes I wish I had a return policy...or that he would just lie to me a little!

SSW said...

Yes we all want the nice boy with the inner bad boy in bed! I think nice boys should learn to ride Motorcycles and screw the sense out of a woman, then we would all be happy!

Patticake said...

Many guys do exactly the same things.

Unknown said...

Hmm, partially true...but we want both. The sweet with the raunchy. Tell me I look pretty and buy me flowers and then blindfold me and tie me to the bed. Just sayin'.

Farmers Wifey said...

hmmm let me think...nice guy or bad boy. I'll take the latter...

If you have a moment, would you mind voting for me here..I'm on page 2 under Farmers Wifey..I'd be ever so grateful..xx

Patti said...

DING DING DING DING DING!!! That is my handy homemade celebratory bell going off, because you just became my 150th follower! I was just looking at my follower's list last night, thinking- I really should celebrate when I hit 150 followers. SO.I just did. Congratulations.
SO curious how a MAN decided to follow a blog called "A Perfect Lily". About a baby girl. Who has Down syndrome.
P.S. Don't vote for Farmer's for Lily:) or Pedro. Whichever you prefer. Just sayin'

Vicki Rocho said...

I beg to differ with you. I'll agree this is true for *some* women...but I don't like the drama that comes with bad boys. I married a nice guy 17 years ago and haven't regretted it! He does what he says he will, helps with the kids and house, and I can trust him. What more could I want?