
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spotlight - Natalie Nicole Gilbert #fb

Name: Natalie Nicole Gilbert
Hometown: Eh, the Midwest.
Where do you call home now? Los Angeles
Tell us a bit about yourself: I write songs (Psst, Twilight fans. She wrote a song about the Twilight saga, too). I talk too much on the radio.
If you were one of the 7 Dwarves, which one would you be? Sleepy
What is the craziest (family friendly) thing you've ever done? It's not family friendly, but no one at the Jailer's Bed and Breakfast ever knew.
What do you wish guys would learn? We're not as different as you think we are. Women crave respect, too.
Finish this statement: Life is... way too short. Use it wisely.
Favorite Tech device(s): Blackberry.
What do you wish Technology could do? Beam us places.
If you could fix one problem in the world, what would it be? Car problems.
Where can people find you online? and, among others.
Any final words? I want Pepperoni on my Tombstone.

Editor's final, final word: You can also hear Nat on KDAR fm ( ). If you follow her on Twitter, she'll tweet when she's on, and give you a chance to help her choose some of the music she plays on air.


Holly Renee said...

I wish technology could beam us places too. Good call! Nice interview.

Daisygirl said...

Great interview she sounds like an awesome person! Peperoni on her tombstone..that is great!

Lifespring said...

Sleepy? No wonder, with all the creating you do. When do you have the time to sleep?

Jeff, thanks for highlighting Natalie here. And thanks for introducing us!